A student is eligible to receive an IEA if they meet all of the following criteria:
1. is a Tennessee resident; and
2. will be in grades K-12 at the time of enrollment in the IEA Program; and
3. has an active individualized education program (IEP) 1 through a Tennessee public school district in effect at the time of request for participation in the program; (If you have questions about your child’s IEP status, please directly contact the public school district in which your student is enrolled.); and
4. has one of the following disabilities in the active IEP as the primary or secondary disability at the time of request for participation in the program2:
- autism;
- deaf-blindness;
- developmental delay;
- hearing impairments;
- intellectual disability;
- multiple disabilities3;
- orthopedic impairments;
- specific learning disabilities;
- traumatic brain injury;
- visual impairments; and
5. meets at least one of the following requirements:
- was previously enrolled in and attended a Tennessee public school for the one full school year immediately preceding the school year in which the student receives an IEA;
- has not previously attended a K-12 school in Tennessee, but is currently eligible to enroll in a kindergarten4 program in a Tennessee public school;
- has not previously attended a school in Tennessee for the one full school year immediately preceding the school year in which the student receives an IEA, and moved to Tennessee5 less than one year prior to the date of enrollment in the IEA Program; or
- received an IEA in the previous year.