New York City Hall released Thursday, July 6th that with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s two-year extension of control over NYC’s public schools, came a big win for NYC charter schools.
NYC Charter School Center CEO James Merriman says that this is “good news” for the 47,800 students who have been waitlisted by their local charter school.
Here’s why this deal is good news:
- Under this deal 22 of the “zombie schools” – charter schools that exist but aren’t open – will not count against the city’s charter school cap
- There is now room for 45 new charter schools to open
- Single charter schools will no longer be split across two locations
- The process of requesting more space and financial help has now become easier
- MetroCards will be given to students whose schools start before the school bus service begins.
Many pro school choice groups are praising this deal!
StudentsFirstNY said, “It is good for all public school students.” “Parents will have access to more school options and charter operators will get significant relief,” executive director Jenny Sedlis said in a statement.
“Thanks to Gov. Cuomo’s and Sen. [John] Flanagan’s steadfast leadership, the larger conversation around mayoral control produced important new pathways for the de Blasio administration and the charter sector to find common cause in making every public school a great one,” CEO James Merriman said in a statement.
Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan praised this deal as “an important step forward.”
picture: New York City Charter School Center